< Previous Title Leitura dramática de Eclipse | Trecho 4 Description Eclipsed is a two-act play written by playwright Patricia Burke Brogan. Her work addresses the inhuman and marginalizing treatment of ‘fallen women’ by the Irish government and the country’s religious institutions in the 1990s.The play received a dramatic reading by Universidade Federal de SantaContinue reading “Leitura dramática de Eclipse | Trecho 4”
Category Archives: Event
Book of Abstracts VII Jornada NEI
Title Book of Abstracts VII Jornada NEI Description Book of Abstracts for the VII Jornada of the Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses – UFSC Participants Chris Morash, Vitor Alevato do Amaral, Rosaleen McDonagh, Angélica Alves de Lima, Catherine Ann Cullen, Eloísa Dall’Bello, Gabriela Terezinha Paulo, Janaina Mirian Rosa, Júlia Leite Serrano de Lima, Kaio Moreira Veloso,Continue reading “Book of Abstracts VII Jornada NEI”
Programa Luvas e Anéis
Title Programa Luvas e Anéis Description Program for the play Luvas e Anéis written by Rosaleen McDonagh, translated by Cristiane Bezerra do Nascimento, Catharine Moreira, Fabiano Campos and Domingos Nunez and produced by Cia Ludens Participants Dramaturgia: Rosaleen McDonaghTradução: Cristiane Bezerra do NascimentoTradução para Libras: Catharine Moreira,Fabiano Campos e Domingos NunezDireção artística: Domingos NunezElenco: CatharineContinue reading “Programa Luvas e Anéis”
Projeto Luvas e Anéis
Title Projeto Luvas e Anéis Description About the play Luvas e Anéis written by Rosaleen McDonagh, translated by Cristiane Bezerra do Nascimento, Catharine Moreira, Fabiano Campos and Domingos Nunez and produced by Cia Ludens Participants Dramaturgia: Rosaleen McDonaghTradução: Cristiane Bezerra do NascimentoTradução para Libras: Catharine Moreira,Fabiano Campos e Domingos NunezDireção artística: Domingos NunezElenco: Catharine Moreira,Continue reading “Projeto Luvas e Anéis”
Ulysses100_1 Ulysses100_2 Title 1.Ulysses100_12.Ulysses100_2 Description On June 22, 2022, the Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), hosted the inauguration of the #Ulysses100 mural, painted by Luiz Felipe Serigheli as a result of the cultural competition #Ulysses100 Through Brazilian eyes. The competition was carried out in 18 Brazilian universitiesContinue reading “Ulysses100”
Leitura dramática de Eclipse | Trecho 3
< Previous Next> Title Leitura dramática de Eclipse | Trecho 3 Description Eclipsed is a two-act play written by playwright Patricia Burke Brogan. Her work addresses the inhuman and marginalizing treatment of ‘fallen women’ by the Irish government and the country’s religious institutions in the 1990s.The play received a dramatic reading by Universidade Federal deContinue reading “Leitura dramática de Eclipse | Trecho 3”
Leitura dramática de Eclipse | Trecho 2
< Previous Next > Title Leitura dramática de Eclipse | Trecho 2 Description Eclipsed is a two-act play written by playwright Patricia Burke Brogan. Her work addresses the inhuman and marginalizing treatment of ‘fallen women’ by the Irish government and the country’s religious institutions in the 1990s.The play received a dramatic reading by Universidade FederalContinue reading “Leitura dramática de Eclipse | Trecho 2”
Leitura Dramática de Eclipse | Trecho 1
Next > Title Leitura Dramática de Eclipse | Trecho 1 Description Eclipsed is a two-act play written by playwright Patricia Burke Brogan. Her work addresses the inhuman and marginalizing treatment of ‘fallen women’ by the Irish government and the country’s religious institutions in the 1990s.The play received a dramatic reading by Universidade Federal de SantaContinue reading “Leitura Dramática de Eclipse | Trecho 1”