Publication in partnership with Iluminuras publishing house
NEI/UFSC is delighted to announce two new volumes of the series on Irish theatre and disability with Editora Iluminuras, and the support of Ireland’s DFA Emigrant Support Programme: Martin McDonagh’s The Cripple of Inishmaan/O aleijado de Inishmaan, translated by Domingos Nunez, and Stacey Gregg’s Override/Comando manual, translated by Alinne Fernandes.
2023 saw the publication of J.M. Synge’s The Well of the Saints/O poço dos santos , translated by Domingos Nunez, and Rosaleen McDonagh’s Rings/Luvas e anéis and Mainstream/Padrão Dominante, translated by Cristiane Nascimento
Luvas e anéis
V Cycle of Readings Cia Ludens
Ulysses 100 Pelos Olhos Brasileitos
• The inauguration of the #Ulysses100 mural, painted by Luiz Felipe Serigheli as a result of the cultural competition Ulysses 100 Pelos Olhos Brasileiros (FLORIANÓPOLIS╎22•06•22)