Interview with Patricia Burke Brogan

TitleInterview with Patricia Burke Brogan
DescriptionPatricia Burke Brogan (1932-2022) was a playwright, novelist, and artist from County Clare. As a novice, Brogan was assigned to work at a Magdalene Laundry during the late 1950s. Aghast by the horrible living conditions and mistreatment experienced by the women working there, Brogan decided to leave the Church. Aiming to aid those at the Magdalene Laundries, Brogan wrote the play Eclipsed, first performed by Punchbag Theatre Company in February 1992, inspired by what she saw. Having her breakthrough because of Eclipsed, Brogan kept writing poetry and plays, such as Stained Glass at Samhain and Requiem of Love.

In this interview, Brogan unravels Eclipsed: the reason she wrote it, the inspiration behind the characters, and the backstage part of theatre, including choosing a director and the difficulties of translating her ideas onto the stage. Aside from the aforementioned, Brogan also talks about her experiences as a novice, such as a strike in which she participated with the women at the Magdalene Laundry; her faith and relationship with Catholicism; about her family, especially her father, a veteran of the Irish War of Independence in the early 1920s, and her brother, a priest; and lastly, but not least, her love visual arts and theatre.

The interview was conducted by Alinne Fernandes, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in the English Department, which occurred on October 24th, 2016 in Park House Hotel, Galway, Ireland.
ParticipantsPatricia Burke Brogan, Alinne Balduino P. Fernandes
SubjectEclipsed; theatre; faith;
Size561 MB
RightsAlinne Balduino P. Fernandes

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