Ketlyn Mara Rosa

Photo of Ketlyn Mara Rosa. She’s smiling at the camera. She has shoulder-length straight brown hair.


Ketlyn Mara Rosa has a Master’s Degree (2015) and Doctoral Degree (2019) in English: Linguistic and Literary Studies, both from the Post-Graduate Programme in English at UFSC. She also holds an Irish Research Council postdoctoral fellowship (2020-2022) at the Film Department at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. As a result of her postdoctoral research, she published a book entitled Conflict Cinemas in Northern Ireland and Brazil with Palgrave Macmillan UK in 2023. As a member of Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses (NEI), she collaborated in the organization of events such as the IV Jornada do Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses da UFSC: Where Irish Literature, Theatre and History Meet (2019). As a monitor, she participated in the events Irish Lives: The Cinema of Alan Gilsenan – Part II e Part III (2015-2016), and in the I Jornada do Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses da UFSC – Myth and Reality in Irish Literature, Theatre and Visual Arts (2016) – where she presented the work “What would happen if a shell landed here now?”: Corporeal Violence in Sean O’Casey’s The Plough and the Stars and The Silver Tassie. She presented a paper entitled Making Sense of a Divided Belfast: ’71 and a Sensorial Journey of Embodiment at the V Jornada do Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses da UFSC: Intersections of Irish Literature, Theatre and Technology (2021). She also participated in NEI’s Digital Round Tables as a guest at the panel Contemporary Irish Film Studies (2021) and as a moderator in the debate Contemporary Joyces (2022). In 2022, as part of her postdoctoral research, she organized and moderated a NEI Digital Round Table – Violent Cinemas: Northern Ireland and Brazil. Recently, she presented a paper entitled The Body, Senses and Violence: Bloody Sunday and Chaos in Derry at the VI Jornada do Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses: Irish Modernisms (2022) and, in 2023, at the VII Jornada do Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses: Irish Arts and Disabilities, she launched her book at the event. She is currently the co-founder, alongside her sister Dr Janaina Mirian Rosa, and teacher at Rosa & Rosa English Classes where she teaches both English and Portuguese for foreigners.

Instagram: @rosarosaenglishclasses


Some of her most recent publications includes:

•(2023) Conflict Cinemas: Northern Ireland and Brazil. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

•(2022) “Bodies on the Battlefield: Death and Combat in Band of Brothers”. Difficult Death: Challenging Cultural Representations of Death, Dying and the Dead in Media and Culture, edited by Sharon Coleclough, Bethan Michael-Fox, and Renske Visser. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

•(2022) “Landscape and Sensorial Immersion into the Iraqi Desert in The Wall”. Wide Screen, vol 9, no. 1.

•(2021) (co-authored with Janaina Mirian Rosa) “Traces of Lesbian Existence in Adrienne Rich’s “Twenty-One Love Poems”. Rascunhos Culturais, v. 12, p. 232-247.